Valerian for Sleep, Pain and Anxiety
Introduction Valerian root is one of the most popular herbal medicines. It is one of the few herbal remedies many of my patients have tried, even if they have...
Introduction Valerian root is one of the most popular herbal medicines. It is one of the few herbal remedies many of my patients have tried, even if they have...
IntroductionLately, I’ve been distributing a lot of Slippery elm powder to folk in Los Angeles due to the fires and the pollutants they release into the air. It is...
With the Los Angeles (LA) fires still burning, I wanted to write a handout on how herbal medicine can be beneficial for smoke inhalation. This blog is taken from...
Medicinal Notes While there are many Capsicum species and varieties, this section will focus on Cayenne peppers, the type I use for medicine. Please see the Safety section before...
Description Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) occurs from adverse reactions following traumatic events. There are many triggering situations that can lead to PTSD, including violence of all kinds, witnessing a...
I recently drove down to the Asheville, North Carolina region to help out at some herbal clinics. This is about 2 1/2 months after the devastation of Hurricane Helene....
Description A panic attack is a form of heightened anxiety. Note that panic attacks and anxiety attacks are different, with panic attacks being a more intense and disrupting form....
Description Peripheral neuropathy is caused by damage or disease to the peripheral nerves. These nerves (bundles of neurons) extend out from the brain and spinal cord (the central nervous...
Depression is a common psychological and physical health condition. It is difficult to give it a specific definition due to how it affects people differently. One overall characteristic is...
Licorice root Licorice root (Glycyrrhiza species) is a versatile plant I use frequently at the free clinic. The flavor of licorice can swing both ways. While some people enjoy...
One of the plants I rely on at the free clinic is Horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum, Sapindaceae). Its primary use is for chronic venous insufficiency. Botany Horse chestnut is...
What Makes an Herb ‘Old?’ In a recent post, I wrote about getting rid of old herbs while organizing my apothecary. I received a number of questions asking me...
I visited Puerto Rico for my first time from late February to mid-March 2023. I was hoping to meet botanically oriented people as well as the local plants, and...
Overview Feverfew has a long history of medicinal uses, with historical writings going back to 70 AD (Dioscorides, De materia medica). It has been continually mentioned in European medical...
The StoryLate in the winter of 2022, I decided to get out of my home and do a little traveling in a warmer clime. I have been working on...
Turkey Rhubarb-Rheum Species Turkey rhubarb is a plant that is helpful as a tonic laxative, an herbal medicine taken regularly to help regulate bowel function. Several species are used...
Arnica as a First Aid Medicine Summary Arnica is an important first aid plant Its primary action is to reduce inflammation from injuries. Its main use is for soft...
Intro to the IntroAsthma attacks are very common. I see them regularly in and outside of first aid clinics. While they can be serious and in need of immediate...
Warning-this article contains graphic photos of staph infections Definitions Commensal-when one organism obtains food or other benefits from another organism without harming or benefiting the other organism. Exotoxin-toxins released...
This is an introduction to the botany of Skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus, Araceae). It is a common plant in boggy wetlands where I live in Ithaca, NY. It is...
What is Japanese Barberry Japanese barberry (Berberis thunbergii, Berberidaceae) is a common non-native plant in the eastern US. It can be invasive where it is established. I see the...
Preface I originally started this blog to write about my search to find Damiana growing in its native habitat in Baja California, Mexico. But in my regular loquacious manner,...
Introduction This is an update to a blog I wrote many years ago. I want to start off by saying I think Blue vervain is one of the prettiest...
Pre-Prelude If you are just interested in how to prepare this concentrated tincture, you can skip to the bottom of the page for the directions. There is also a...
With Diagrams to Build One I currently have two tincture presses. The one featured here is quite large and heavy. I have had it for over 20 years and...
Anna Pierce Hobbs Bixby was a female frontier doctor and in today’s language, an all-around badass. She was one of the first white people to learn the cause of...
Or, Wetlands I Have Known They are also the main source of peat (also known as ‘turf’). Peat is made up of decomposing plant matter and is a fuel...
Michael Moore, the herbalist, died of kidney complications on February 20, 2008. This is a tribute I wrote for him then. Michael Moore was one of my most important...
This post is about the medicinal qualities of Wild hydrangea. These are the native forms of the showy ornamental shrubs. Botanical Information Family Hydrangeaceae (formerly Saxifragaceae) There are 9...
Notes about Herbs and Sleep November 21, 2018 Quality sleep is important for both mental and physical health. Unfortunately insomnia affects many people. I see it commonly in almost...
Walk Like A Clinician Lessons Learned Working at the Ithaca Free Clinic #1 Patient Agency and Useful Questions I have been working as a clinical herbalist at the Ithaca...
Introduction Anemone is a genus of beautiful flowering plants growing in various regions of the United States and other parts of the world. It is an unusual...
Introduction This is a photo blog of my attempt at removing burdock seeds from the sticky seed heads. There is also a description of how I plan to use...
A few people have recently asked me what first aid items they should bring to the January 21 march in DC. Please note, I am non-partisan at this (or...
Amble to the Preamble This blog was initially meant to be a reasonably succinct discussion of my thoughts and feelings about Burning Man. Instead it is has become a...
We recently tinctured fresh Kava kava (Piper methysticum) root. I purchased the fresh roots (primary and lateral roots) from Adaptations in Hawaii. They came second day air and on...
Introduction This article is about my herbal first aid bag. I am writing about it for two main reasons: First, with the accompanying photos and information I hope to...
Jamaican Dogwood (Piscidia piscipula) Monograph Introduction In late January 2014 I went down to South Florida to identify and gather some Jamaican Dogwood (Piscidia piscipula, Fabaceae). This is my...
A pre-story note; I wrote this as an article after I first gathered Jamaican dogwood in January 2007. I recently wildcrafted this plant again in January 2014, and decided...
Before I go into some of the details here, I want to say that herbal first aid is much the same as all other first aid, the main difference...
One of my favorite first aid plants for infections is Chaparral (Larrea tridentata, Zygophyllaceae). It has a number of other common names, but in the world of herbal...
Once upon a time, a very very very long time ago, you and I were very small creatures floating freely in the vast oceans of the earth. How small...
While in Gainesville, Florida recently I gathered some Gelsemium sempervirens for medicine. Honestly, I have some from when I last gathered it in 1994 or so, but I like...
This patient study looks at how herbs can help improve symptoms when there is little to do to change the primary problem. This is common situation with a number...
This article is about Baptisia tinctoria often called Wild indigo. This is not the plant that makes the indigo dye, though that plant (an Indigofera species) is also in...
Contentious Herbal Issue, about the GMP’s (Good Manufacturing Processes). These are new enforceable FDA legal standards for retail supplement products, including internally taken herbal medicines. While I was at...
Introduction This is a list of the books I brought along on a trip to Washington State. I use these lists myself when I go back to an area,...
This is a monograph about oats, the same plant that oatmeal comes from, but here the focus will be on how it is used medicinally. One thing that can...
This monograph will explore the genus Pedicularis, the plants often called lousewort or wood betony. It will give a wide overview of the genus as well as focusing on...
Skullcap is a favorite plant among many favorite plants. It is a plant I have spent a lot of time around, which will add to the length and depth...
Blue vervain (Verbena hastata, Verbenaceae). This plant probably tops many people’s ‘love that plant’ list. Yes, mine included. It is handsome and graceful and sturdy and what a gorgeous...
Eupatorium Botany This group of plants are all in the Asteraceae (Composite or Sunflower family), the largest family of flowering plants. Within the Asteraceae, they are in the Eupatorieae...
This blog highlights the genus Eupatorium. Why Eupatorium? First, there is a story involved (isn’t there always?). Second, I think the genus Eupatorium and the name changes it has...
Video Class This is a video of me teaching a class on formulating herbal medicine, with a focus on local plants of the Ithaca, NY region. Crafting Herbal Formulas...
Kiva Canyon Country December 11, 2010 It’s easy to forget what quiet is like. Especially having been in 3 airports on 3 airplanes, and one windowless jeep with a...
For those of you knew him, my long-time student and friend Frank Cook recently died (perhaps from Neurocysticercosis). I wrote this about him on the plane ride home from his...
I am inspired to write this morning due to the article on my work at the Ithaca Free Clinic. (Click here for the article). I am honored to receive...
My father, at 85, died of brain cancer on January 23, 2008. I miss him, especially now as I sit in my old bedroom on Long Island, New York....
Today I will be teaching at the local high school, for the ‘special needs’ kids. I did this class once before. The teacher wants me to come in to...
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